Meine Pegel

by Kooperation Umweltportale



MEINE PEGEL is the official water level and flood information app

MEINE PEGEL is the official water level and flood information app with around 3000 water levels in Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland - a service from current water level, forecasts (where available), notification when water levels exceed/fall below limits, overview of the flood information and warning situation of the German federal states.With the app you can- get informations about the current water level at your gauging station and be notified free of charge when the water level exceeds or falls below individually configurable thresholds (push notification)- be notified of a change in the flood information or warning situation of the German federal states (free push notification)- view the following water level-related information:o Current water level and, if applicable, the discharge for around 3000 gauges in Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland, including display of water level hydrographs.o water level forecasts (available for more than 300 gauges in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia)o add your own notes to "your" water gauges- Add gauges as favourites and view the water levels of all favourites in an overview- Add federal states or warning regions as favourites- view the regional and supraregional flood situation in the German federal states- Subscribe to regular daily status reports on individual water levels or on the regional flood situation free of charge- navigate easily with interactive mapsNote:For technical reasons, the notification of exceeding or falling below a water level can only be sent with a time delay compared to the measured value on site.Depending on the data provision for the respective water level, the corresponding notification may therefore arrive on your smartphone between 15 and 45 minutes after the limit value has been exceeded or, in individual cases, even later. This time delay must be taken into account when setting the notification value.It is therefore recommended to set an exceedance limit slightly lower, if necessary, so that the notification can be sent in time. A data connection is required to receive push notifications. If the smartphone is temporarily without a data connection, you will receive the push notification with a corresponding time delay.All data are unchecked raw data and are provided without any guarantee. We ask for your understanding that no guarantee is given for the topicality and correctness of the data and information presented, nor for the functioning of the apps notification function.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Die App ist übersichtlich gestaltet und informativ. Das sortieren der Favoriten ist sehr mühsam und zeitaufwändig. Sobald man irgendetwas in der App verändert, läuft im Hintergrund augenscheinlich direkt ein voller Datenabgleich an, obwohl man die Änderungen noch nicht gespeichert hat. Das verlangsamt die App extrem und saugt das Akku leer. Daher nur 4 Sterne.

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Danke für die Einstellungsmoglichkeit, die Wasserstände in der Favoritenliste zu sehen.

Christin Puttich

Gives me just the information I want in a clear and efficient way

Lukas Petow

Sehr nützlich, wenn man dicht an einem Gewässer lebt.


Eine klare Darstellung mit einfacher Bedienung. Sehr nützlich! Sehr übel finde ich die plumpe, distanzlose Duzerei! Wörtlich: "Wenn DIR die App gefallen hat... "

Siegfried Schmidt

Bisher war die App super. Aber seit dem letzten Update sind die Favoriten weg und neue kann ich nicht laden. Somit ist die App nicht mehr brauchbar. Update : vielen Dank für das Hilfsangebot. Habe mich entschlossen erstmal die App erneut zu installieren und jetzt scheint sie wieder zu funktionieren.

Maria C.

Super App, verwende ihn täglich bei Hochwasser Perioden auf dem Rhein

Marcel Tournier